She harms me every day


HK did not have an idyllic childhood. Her mother sold her to the mind Flayer. Her brothers were also sold. Her big sister Sierra Nevada had the dubious honor of remaining with her mother as her mind-controlled hitman.
Sierra Nevada was sent to assassinate Bollard Ironkeel in the town of Haven. As fate would have it, the town was dragged into another realm. The change broke the spell on Sierra Nevada. She became a productive member of Bollard’s town.
Then one-day Wheels Ironkeel and his team came and rescued them all. Sierra was reunited with her little sister Hindu Kush. The sisters are now trying to find their little brothers.
Yes HK killed her Mother. Sierra Nevada is having trouble forgiving her little sister for it since she always felt killing the bitch was her responsibility.

Wed, 17 May 2023

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