

Welcome aboard the More Room. a general purpose courier class starship from Ironkeel marine. Summer bought it through one of her front companies and she has used it to make a huge profit. She has customers in many realms. Her original crew Robert, Boo, Spar, Stormy and Diazy. But Robert built his own buissness and moved on making Spar the head pilot but alas Spar’s dragon rider activities made it impossible to continue. Diazy started healer school so she rarely went on runs anymore. It was just Summer, Stormy and Gomee until his death. Or whatever gollums do.
Then Stormy got married.
Meet the new crew. The twins Stay Sail and Gallant Ironkeel. Pilot and engineer and Cyclone Princess of the high pasture and Stormy’s little sister Operations officer. The coffee must get through.

Wed, 01 Mar 2023

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